I'm a fan of Aaron Franklin, so I was really excited to see him team up with Austin's public television station, KLRU, to produce a series of web videos (8 episodes) where he will teach us how he goes about producing his incredible meat goodness.
For those of you who might not be familiar with Aaron's work, he runs Franklin Barbecue in Austin, Texas. Now, before you're tempted to ask, "Yeah, so what? Barbecue joints in Texas are as common as convenience stores. What's the big deal?", I should mention that Aaron and his wife started the business in a trailer in 2009, and in just two short years they achieved what, in June 2011, Bon Appetit called the best barbecue in America.
Just let that roll around in your brain and marinate a while. In two years he accomplished what most pitmasters spend decades trying to achieve. Oh, and it's not just muckety-muck food writers and celebu-chefs like Anthony Bourdain who think that he's got a great thing going. Customers line up hours before he opens just to have the opportunity sample his barbecue. He has sold out of meat every single day since he opened. That says much more than any review could.
So, when a guy with serious barbecue street cred offers to teach you how he does what he does, dudes like me pay attention. Aaron is funny and quirky in a barbecue geek sort of way. I heard John Markus, executive producer of the television series BBQ Pitmasters, call him a "barbecue savant".
Check out the series, I think you'll dig it.
Interesting videos, great info. Did you catch him doing the "Swedish Chef" from the Muppet Show at about the 7:30 minute mark? Hilarious.