

Whole Lotta Rub

Whole Lotta Rub (via

There are times when we barbecue dudes need a whole lotta good rub that's fresh, good, and inexpensive. I developed this recipe last fall for a welcome home cook for our local Army National Guard troops. It was well-received then, so last week when I needed a bunch of rub to cater the meat for a friend's wedding I was glad that I had documented the recipe.

This is a great all-purpose rub that is very economical. It's essentially a bulk version of my Memphis-style BBQ Dry Rub. All of the ingredients can be had in the bulk foods section of any good supermarket. The recipe makes 14 pounds of rub, and it cost me just under $20, minus the cost of the food-safe bucket and lid.

6 lbs Sea salt, medium-fine
2 lbs Evaporated cane sugar
3 lbs Brown sugar
8 oz Paprika, sweet
8 oz Chili powder, medium heat
8 oz Granulated onion (not "powder")
8 oz Ground mustard
4 oz Granulated garlic (not "powder")
2 oz Black pepper, medium-fine
2 oz Celery seed
2 oz Ground ginger
1 oz Ground chipotle
1 oz Ground coriander

Note: You'll need a large food-safe and airtight container and some means of mixing the ingredients very well. For mixing I use my cordless drill fitted with a brand new (and washed) $6 paint mixer from Home Depot.

Combine all of the ingredients in a food-safe bucket or other large container.

Whole Lotta Rub (via

Mix the ingredients very well until they are all fully incorporated.

Whole Lotta Rub (via

Seal the container and store the rub in a cool and dark place.

How easy is that?!


  1. That is one butt load of rub! Well, probably more like 50 butt loads, right? Did you use it all?

  2. Nope. I took the opportunity to make much more than I needed. In fact, I'm using it today to cook pulled pork for about 100 at our church men's retreat.

  3. Can you recommend a store to purchase the individual spices? Costco, Safeway, Smart & Final, Walmart?

  4. I got mine in the bulk food section at Winco Foods.

  5. Thank you!!! I am throwing a couples wedding shower BBQ and was looking for a good rub recipe to make up in bulk and put into spice jars as a party favor for guests..... This recipe looks like exactly what I was seeking.

  6. I agree with Chris, that is a butt load of rub. How long is this good for or what is the normal shelf life of any rub?


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