Pig Candy!

How can you possibly go wrong with peppered bacon coated with dark brown
sugar, baked, then glazed with pure maple syrup mixed with a little cayenne? Yeah, it's naughty good.

The great folks at Burger's Smokehouse sent me some of their "crazy thick" (1/4") dry-cured bacon to try, so I thought I'd give it a proper treatment. Right out of the gate, let me say that this bacon is outstanding! Order some up, and thank me later. I spent about half of my childhood just down the road from them in Columbia, Missouri, so that makes it even more special for me. We have to support our smaller family-owned producers.

OK, if you've never made or experienced pig candy, strap yourself in for a serious porcine indulgence.

1 lb Thick-cut peppered bacon, preferably Burger's
1/2 cup Dark brown sugar (more as needed)
1/4 cup Pure maple syrup
1/4 tsp Cayenne

Preheat your oven to 375*.

Mix the syrup and cayenne well in a small bowl and set aside.

Coat both sides of each bacon slice generously with brown sugar.

Pig Candy!

Arrange the bacon on a wire rack inside a sheet pan as shown.

Note to self: Lining the sheet pan with parchment paper will greatly ease the clean-up.

Bake in the center position until the sugar is starting to caramelize and the bacon just starts to crisp around the edges. This should take about 15 minutes, depending on the thickness of your bacon.

Brush each slice with the syrup and bake another five minutes.

Flip the bacon over and brush the other side with the syrup.

Pig Candy!

Bake until the bacon reaches your desired doneness.

Remove from the oven and let sit five minutes.

Pig Candy!

Enjoy, but try not to eat it all at once.

Note: If you like this recipe, try the praline version.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
I have had bacon candy, well, more often than is healthy. I can attest to its addictive deliciousness. I like it best really crispy. I have never tried it with maple syrup, so it is clearly time to make another batch. I think my heart just clenched a little... :~D
Blogger Chilebrown said...
Oh Yeah, That is the candy I love. How is that Burgers bacon on its own? Is it the old fashioned (very salty) country style?
Blogger Unknown said...
Chile - The Burger's bacon is seriously good, no matter how you cook it. It's not at all overly salty. Gitcha some! ;-)
This recipe KILLS me, John. I love bacon so much it hurts.
Blogger Unknown said...
Natalie - Just embrace your inner pig-ness! There is no shame. :-)
Oh my goodness, candy bacon, I am going to be in trouble with this. I have a terrible bacon fetish, can eat a pound by myself.
Blogger Ryan Walker said...
Nice. I've been wanting to try this. I like the cayenne in yours. I live in Louisiana, and found this recipe for "Praline Bacon" on NOLA Cuisine. The picture makes my mouth water.

Anonymous Kita said...
I just made some candied bacon the other day and I was in heaven! It really may be the best thing ever.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I've made this before...then copped it up and tossed it with popcorn, and smoked paprika. Its affectionally known as Kevin Bacon popcorn and its addictive...I have dreams about it ::)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Wow, what can I say...this just looks delicious. I have never made pig candy before and never have even heard about it but I think you've got me hooked on it!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
WHAT. i need to make this. just started my own blog and im pretty sure i have to take a break from my own recipes to make this. looks great. yum.

Anonymous northierthanthou said...
Oh this does look tasty.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hold the phone and lock the doors. Now that I got this recipe memorized. You can take this off the internet because I foresee a shortage in bacon and I would like to get to the store before they run out. I hope I'm not too late.
Blogger Unknown said...
Ha! I heard that there will be a bacon shortage regardless. ;-)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Chopped up and stirred into maple ice cream, this is wonderful stuff!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How long does it stay good?
Blogger Unknown said...
I have no idea, because it's gone in about seven minutes. ;-)
Blogger morepls03 said...
Everyone loved this last batch I made. I went one step further and dipped each bacon end in melted chocolate chips. Over the top bacon goodness! That's whole hog brother!

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