Food blogger Monica Gaudio found out that Cooks Source published a piece that she wrote about apple pie, but did not get her permission to do so. Gaudio contacted the publication, half expecting it to be some kind of unfortunate mix-up, and asked for a nominal sum of money as compensation. That's when Griggs -- or someone using her e-mail address -- responded, blasting Gaudio for even raising the issue: "... honestly Monica, the web is considered 'public domain' and you should be happy we just didn't 'lift' your whole article and put someone else's name on it!"Pass it on.
- Los Angeles Times - Daily Dish - Cooks Source magazine vs. the Web
Food Bloggers Unite!
This is just a quick post to encourage all food bloggers to go tell Cook's Source what we think of their apparent assertion that recipes on the web are in the public domain.
I work with a variety of food bloggers and writers and attempt to verify the source to provide credit when I "borrow" an idea and most certainly provide specific credit with posting their materials!